
Since founding Circle Hook Distilling, we have taken full advantage of our unfettered access to rum. Our experiments with essential rum standards, with substituting rum into traditional non-rum cocktails, and with creation of some entirely new concoctions, have yielded some wonderful results. We want all Circle Hook lovers to be able to enjoy these recipes and hopefully be inspired to devise some of their own. So, time to become your own cocktail craftsman—please give some of these a try, and if you get creative, please share your favorite newly concocted recipes with us!

Crafting Coastal Cocktails

The Captain’s Choice

  • 3 ounces Circle Hook Agricole-Style Rum
  • Ice

Really, why add anything to this Double-Gold award-winning rum? After what it took to produce (Eli will tell you the story over a glass), and the wonderful flavor it developed, we prefer to savor it on its own over ice. We only produced 25 cases for the first batch, so bottles are scarce. If you manage to find one, we’d love to hear your thoughts on it. Truth be told, it does make a great cocktail, but until batch #2 arrives in Fall 2024, we’re conserving ours!

The Ponderosa

  • 3 ounces Circle Hook Rum
  • Juice of one satsuma
  • Simple syrup to taste (depending on the satsuma’s ripeness may not be needed)
  • Ice

Who can resist a sweet, fresh-picked satsuma? We have a prolific tree just a few feet from our bar, and come November, the Ponderosa gets an extra ingredient. Fresh citrus really sets off the many flavors in the rum. You can get fancy with a shaker and a satsuma peel garnish, but we usually squeeze the satsuma straight into the glass so we can get right to the sipping.

Satsuma Sling

  • 3 ounces (again, depending on the day) Circle Hook Original Rum
  • Ice
  • Water to taste

Who can resist a sweet, fresh-picked satsuma? We have a prolific tree just a few feet from our bar, and come November, the Ponderosa gets an extra ingredient. Fresh citrus really sets off the many flavors in the rum. You can get fancy with a shaker and a satsuma peel garnish, but we usually squeeze the satsuma straight into the glass so we can get right to the sipping.

Circle Hook Sipper aka Rumrunner

Sailing solo . . .

  • 1 ounce Circle Hook Original Rum
  • 1 ounce Circle Hook Silver Rum
  • ½ ounce Banana Liqueur
  • ½ ounce Blackberry Liqueur
  • 3 ounces pineapple juice
  • ½ ounce lime juice
  • ¼ ounce grenadine

For a crowd . . .

  • ½ Bottle (12.5 oz) Circle Hook Original Rum
  • ½ Bottle (12.5 oz) Circle Hook Silver Rum
  • ½ Bottle (12.5 oz) Banana Liqueur
  • ½ Bottle (12.5 oz) Blackberry Liqueur
  • 96 ounces pineapple juice
  • 10 ounces lime juice
  • 4 ounces grenadine

We support many Gulf Coast charities with tastings and specialty cocktails at their events. The Circle Hook Sipper, our go-to batch cocktail, has developed a considerable following. We aren’t shy with the recipe, though, we do suggest a word of caution regarding its potency! A lot of components, but simple directions: stir all ingredients together and enjoy!

Our Favorite Traditional Daquiri

  • 2 ounces Circles Hook Silver Rum
  • Juice of one lime
  • ½ – ¾ ounce simple syrup

We needed a cocktail for a Cuban themed dinner, and in our search, educated ourselves on the history of a wonderful libation known as the daiquiri. Who knew it wasn’t frozen at all? Simply add these three ingredients to a shaker, shake well, strain into a coupe glass (or similar), add garnish of your choice (traditionally lime, we went with rum-soaked cherries), and enjoy.

Grande Dame

  • 2 ounces Circle Hook Original Rum
  • ½ ounce Chambord
  • 2 ounces pineapple juice
  • Float of Prosecco

The Grande Dame is a 5:01 pm staple in our house when Gigi is in town. A slightly sweet way to convene a relaxing evening conversing on the patio. Combine first three ingredients in a shaker. Shake until frothy and strain into a martini glass. Top with prosecco if available.

Gigi’s Hot Toddy

  • 2 ounces Circle Hook Original Rum
  • 2 tablespoons honey (or to taste)
  • Juice of one lemon
  • Hot water

Soon after our first distillation, Gigi realized her traditional hot toddy was much better tasting (and of course more therapeutic) if one replaced bourbon with Circle Hook Original Rum. Any time one of us has a cold, or an itchy throat, or a vague feeling of unease on a chilly day, we put the kettle on to boil and make a toddy (for medicinal purposes only, of course).

Cuba Libre

  • 2 ounces Circle Hook Original Rum
  • 3 ounces Cola
  • Juice of a lime wedge

Always apropos and a wonderful pick-me-up. Some things are traditional for a reason.

Classic Mojito

  • 2 ounces Circle Hook Silver Rum
  • ¾ ounce lime juice
  • 1 ounce simple syrup
  • 5 Mint Leaves

Each South Mississippi summer seems hotter than the last. A classic mojito is a surefire way to cool down (or at least not care quite so much about the heat). Place simple syrup, mint leaves and 1 lime wedge into a glass. Use a muddler to crush the mint and lime to release the mint oils and lime juice. Fill the glass almost to the top with ice, pour the rum over the ice, and then fill the glass with club soda. Stir.

Mrs. Simmons’ Frozen Daiquiri

For a pitcher . . .

  • 6 ounces Circle Hook Rum (can be made with Original, Silver, or a combination)
  • 2 ½ cups local strawberries, frozen
  • Fresh strawberries for blending
  • Simple syrup to taste, depending on sweetness of the berries (you may not need any)
  • Juice of 1 lime

When you have a distillery party, a blender, some peak-of-ripeness Louisiana strawberries, an amazing rum, and a blender, great things will happen even when the recipe isn’t 100% planned (at least Mrs. Simmons, thought so). Our first year with the distillery, a New Year’s Eve party manifested, and she is still talking about Eli’s sublime daiquiri. Combine all ingredients and blend away. The rum should enable smooth blending, but if it needs a little help, add some fresh strawberries and/or a little water.